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Rebecca Servadio

Rebecca Servadio
Rebec­ca Ser­va­dio is a Lon­don based Lit­er­ary Scout, poly­glot and curi­ous, avid and obses­sive read­er who heads up LLS (Lon­don Lit­er­ary Scout­ing). Rebec­ca scouts for twen­ty four pub­lish­ing hous­es across the world help­ing them curate their lists in trans­la­tion, as well as work­ing in Film/​TV/​Documentary and The­atre look­ing for books that can be adapt­ed into dif­fer­ent medi­ums. Rebec­ca trained and worked ini­tial­ly as a lawyer and has now been read­ing and work­ing as a scout for the bet­ter part of twen­ty years. Rebec­ca is on the Advi­so­ry Board for the Turin Book Fair (Salone Inter­nazionale del Libro di Tori­no) respon­s­able for the Inter­na­tion­al Rights Cen­tre and the Words With­out Bor­ders Board and a reg­u­lar col­lab­o­ra­tor with­in Eng­lish PEN.
Rebecca Servadio
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