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We, the Others

Paru le 13 août 2022
We, the Others
Maison d'édition
213, 725
Ungrate­ful, oppor­tunis­tic, moochers, dan­ger­ous, incom­pat­i­ble with our val­ues and our way of life? Every immi­grant demo­graph­ic has heard these descrip­tors at some point in their migra­tion his­to­ry. We, the Oth­ers takes a con­tem­po­rary look at the xeno­pho­bia, eth­no-nation­al­ism, and fear of the oth­er that leads to dis­crim­i­na­tion and the belief that immi­gra­tion is a pol­lut­ing force. Root­ed in the author’s per­son­al fam­i­ly his­to­ry as the sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion daugh­ter of Greek immi­grants, and from her research as a jour­nal­ist and colum­nist cov­er­ing iden­ti­ty pol­i­tics and social issues in Que­bec and Cana­da for the past 20 years, Dri­mo­nis coura­geous­ly tack­les this coun­try’s his­to­ry and prac­tices, divi­sive leg­is­la­tion like Bill 21, and var­i­ous nation­al­ist move­ments that have influ­enced pol­i­cy. We, the Oth­ers is a poignant look at inter-gen­er­a­tional strug­gles, con­flict­ing loy­al­ties and heart­felt ques­tions of belonging.
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