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LEEROY est fière de travailler avec le Salon
du livre de Montréal.


Paru le 1 octobre 2017
Maison d'édition
Marcela Huer­ta’s debut col­lec­tion of poet­ry tack­les grief, mem­o­ry, and the expe­ri­ences of a sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion immi­grant. The daugh­ter of polit­i­cal refugees from Chile, Huer­ta shares mem­o­ries of her recent­ly depart­ed father, who becomes a sym­bol for Chilean cul­ture and left­ist resis­tance after his pass­ing. Through the inti­mate detail­ing of every­day occur­rences, Trop­i­co reveals how inter­gen­er­a­tional trau­ma dis­rupts child­hood and lays bare the lived effects of Amer­i­can imperialism.
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