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LEEROY est fière de travailler avec le Salon
du livre de Montréal.

Love in 3D

Paru le 1 mars 2020
Love in 3D
Maison d'édition
Prix 19.95$
When two soli­tudes meet… An Anglo­phone, a pro­fes­sion­al jour­nal­ist, a teacher and a pris­on­er for 22 years… A Fran­coph­o­ne, a sci­en­tist, a pilot, a jour­nal­ist by default, a pris­on­er of his com­mu­ni­ty involve­ment with youth… Two soli­tudes that nev­er should have met. Two soli­tudes who put their minds to a com­mon project. Two cul­tures col­lide. Four hands, writ­ing the sto­ry of a man on the brink. At the cliff’s edge, he pulls back. A study of strug­gle, and of hope. Enjoy our tale of the quest, the human thirst, to find light from with­in the dark­ness. Set in Mon­tre­al, this is a tale for every­one, young and old, pris­on­er and free.
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