Que cherchez-vous?

Une belle rencontre.
De grandes réalisations.

LEEROY est fière de travailler avec le Salon
du livre de Montréal.


Paru le 15 mars 2022
Maison d'édition
How do you change the world? Meet Léa, poly­glot, labour activist, far­brente fem­i­nist. Born to a large Jew­ish fam­i­ly and raised in a French Catholic town, Léa moves flu­id­ly between lan­guages and cul­tures. Her search for mean­ing and her instinct for jus­tice place her at the cen­tre of the great changes of the 20th cen­tu­ry. From street fights in Berlin to protests in Mon­tre­al, she defies the expec­ta­tions and lim­i­ta­tions of women’s lives, wins his­toric vic­to­ries for the union move­ment, and grap­ples with her own con­vic­tions. Based on the life of famed activist Léa Roback, this nov­el brings to life a hero­ine embold­ened by polit­i­cal strug­gles that res­onate to this day.
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