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Can't Help Falling: A Long Road to Motherhood

Paru le 12 mars 2022
Can't Help Falling: A Long Road to Motherhood
Maison d'édition
213, 725
When Tarah Schwartz mis­car­ried for the first time at almost 5 months, it was dev­as­tat­ing. Deter­mined to try again, more mis­car­riages would fol­low, threat­en­ing her sta­bil­i­ty and her rela­tion­ships, and chang­ing her pro­found­ly. In this mem­oir, Tarah puts words to excru­ci­at­ing loss as she recounts her unex­pect­ed and deeply inspir­ing jour­ney to moth­er­hood. As a long time news reporter, she spent years work­ing in front of a tele­vi­sion cam­era, telling sto­ries that reflect­ed the pow­er of the human spir­it to sur­vive. This time she tells her own.
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