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Ann-Marie MacDonald

Auteur·rice, Comédien·ne
Ann-Marie Mac­Don­ald is a nov­el­ist, play­wright, actor, and broad­cast host. Her work in each capac­i­ty has been hon­oured with numer­ous awards, includ­ing The Chalmers, The Gov­er­nor General’s, Gem­i­ni, Dora Mavor Moore, and John Drainie awards and The Com­mon­wealth Prize. Her dra­mat­ic work includes the plays, Good­night Des­de­mona (Good Morn­ing, Juli­et), and Belle Moral: A Nat­ur­al His­to­ry, the libret­to for the cham­ber opera, Nigre­do Hotel, and book and lyrics for Any­thing That Moves; the nov­els are Fall On Your Knees, The Way the Crow Flies, and Adult Onset. Her writ­ten work is pro­duced and pub­lished inter­na­tion­al­ly in many lan­guages. Ann-Marie grad­u­at­ed from the Act­ing Pro­gram of The Nation­al The­atre School of Cana­da in 1980. In 2019 she was made an Offi­cer of the Order of Cana­da. She lives in Mon­tre­al with her wife, Alisa Palmer, and their two children.
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